When Rocco was born and J came to visit him for the first time at the Perkins' sweet little house, we were probably around 18 and 19 in our rough years of distance. Nevertheless, J held sweet little baby Rocco, looked at me and said 'I hope one day I can be his uncle'.
This past trip to Florida over Rocco and Remi's birthday, J was a king. He spoiled Rocco constantly, bought him everything his heart desired, and played with him nonstop. He was a trooper. Towards the end of Rocco's birthday party, when all the guest had gone, J and the little boys were missing. Come to find out he was playing legos with them upstairs. He was there for a good hour or longer and when I told him I was sorry if he felt stuck he said, 'absolutely not, its my favorite thing'. Before the legos, he had been pushing hank on the swing for what seemed like the majority of the party, Hank was in heaven. Now, whenever Hank facetimes me there is no hello but rather "Where's J?" (i don't mind).
When I thought J was about to criticize our family vacations by opening a conversation with... "the problem I have whenever we spend time with your family is"... (oh brother) ..."that Remi never wants to spend time with me, but I am excited because today he finally let me play with him."
When it comes to Dagny, J is just star struck. He loves that little girl so much, he often steals her from my arms and just holds her and stares at her with this happy little smile on his face. He calls her a princess in the sweetest way and says she is a 'sweet little bundle of joy'.
At the end of our trip when you would think J was ready to run back to our solitude and childless life, rather he told my sisters that often most children make him never want kids, but this bundle of little ones (my words not his) make him excited for that stage of life. Thank you sisters for marrying sweet husbands, making sweet babies, that have made the sweetest uncle out of J. And thank you little ones for loving him as much as I do.
my heart is bursting!